
Read Psalm 37:3-6

- David (the author) calls us to delight in the Lord and to commit everything we have and do(our way) to Him.

-But how do we do this? Trust and Commit.

- To commit ourselves to the Lord means entrusting everything - our lives, families, jobs and possesions - to His control and guidance.

- What areas of our life that is hard to commit or trust in the Lord?

- To Commit ourselves to the Lord means to trust in Him, believing that He can care for us better than we can ourselves.


Men of God

Titus 2:2 Teach the older men to be temparate, worthy of respect, self controlled and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.

The Lord needs SMARTS men in the church/ministry and in the community.

1. Spiritual and Mature- wortyh of respect and self controlled.

2. Men who loves men- the church needs men who can minister to fellow men.

3. Available and Able- Matthew 25:14-28

4. Responsible and Liable- not only in the household but also in the ministry.

5. Teachable- sound in faith, he knows how to say no and sorry even to his children.

6. Sensitive - to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to the Word of God



Read 2Corinthians 8:1-15

- What would be the bases of our giving?
* Economic condition or
* Cheerful giving

- Your willingness to give cheerfully is more important than the amount we give.

- Do you believe that giving is a natural response to love?

- How do you decide how much you give?
1. Each person should follow through on previous promise.
2. Each person should give as much as he or she is able
3. Each person should give in proportion to what God has given him or her.

- Give until it hurts, but dont give so that it hurts your family who need your financial support.


Jubal's Birthday

This day is my eldest son's birthday. His name is Jubal , a biblical name which originated in Genesis 4:21. it means "Father (or inventor) of musical instrument. My wife, who was then a member of our worship team in our church, gave this name when my son was born.

Being my first son/baby, He was indeed my joy and delight. Ienjoyed the years when he was still a baby. He has a very captivating smile and hes eyes were a subject of admiration of all my friends. I knew, he will grow as a vibrant, jolly and energitec boy. And indeed he is now.

On his 10th birthday, I just thank GOD that He has given me a son in whom I am pleased......



Read Matthew 18:21-35

*Because God has forgive our sins we should not withhold forgiveness from others.

*When we dont forgive, what will happen to us?

*Jesus teaches that the forgiveness of God, though freely given to repentant sinners, remain conditional.

*In other words, one may forfiet God's forgiveness by maintaining a bitter and unforgiving heart.

*Realizing how completely Christ has forgiven us, it should produce a free and generous of forgiveness towards others.


Pslam 118:14

I started my week attending church. Our Sunday school topic was "The way christian live", I was blessed with the Sunday preaching entitled ' Idols of the Heart'. Monday was declared holiday, I spent the whole day playing with my two sons. Tuesday, a promise of a good start for my job. Iwas in Mapandan at around 8am Iwas some 35 km from where I live. On my way to Dagupan, I heard a typhoon will come that afternoon.

The following day was indeed rainy w/c resulted to the suspension of classes, due to the bad weather I got sick. But I got this opportunity to spend the whole day with my kids agian, minus the presence of my wife who was in the office. The next day roads were underwater, I fixed some paper works and worked afterwards. On that evening, it was a fateful day when I watched my team UE Red Warriors lose in the game.

Friday, a fresh start as the suns smiles over GOD's creation, a fruitful day for my job. Saturday was very relaxing , as I played basketball with my buddies and in the afternoon, watched movie with my wife.



The need for Salvation
From: JILC-DBBS Module

Unless we realize that we need SALVATION and that we cannot gain or buy eternal life by our own abilities, there is no way we can be saved.

1) Because the Bible says everyone is a sinner.
Romans 3:10,23 There is no righteous,no not one; for all have sinned.

2) Because the wages of sin is death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

3)because it takes only one lie to make a liar.
James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law, and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

4) Because any sin separates you from your God.
Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separeted you from your God

5) Because we will surely perish.
Luke 13:3 But unless you repent you too will perish.

But John 3:16 says
For God so love the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

So Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Believe in Him, and Confess you sin.


Read Matthew 25:14-28

*A talent represents our abilities, time, resources and opportunities to serve GOD while on earth.
*All Christians have one thing in common at least a talent and time.
* Each one recieved entrustments according to His ability.

How do I use the following for GOD's glory?
> Money
>Talents and Abilities

*We are responsible to use well what God has given us.
*The issue is not how much we have, but how well we use what we have.


Christian Life

Read 1Cor. 9:24-27

Perseverance, Persistence, the Prize!! The Christian life was never promised as an easy way to live; Instead, 1 Cor. 9:24-27 constantly reminds us that we must have a purpose and a plan because times will be difficult and satan will attack. But we never persevere w/o the promise of a price- a promise GOD will keep.

* What is our purpose?
- run to get the prize.
- run straight to the goal.

* What is our plan?
- deny yourself whatever is potentially harmful.
- discipline your body, training it.

* What is our Prize?
- a crown that will last forever

* What is our penalty?
- disqualifacation (it does not mean that we could lose our salvation but rather we could lose our privelage of telling others about Christ (credibility). we must practice what we learn)



Read Matthew 22:34-40

>God’s laws are not burdensome. They can be reduced to two simple principles- love God and love others.

>How can we show our love for God?

>How can we show our love for our neighbor?

>What do you think is more important in obeying God, concentrating about all we should not do? Or we should concentrate on all we can do to show our love for God and others?


Read Luke 11:1-10

These verses focus on 3 aspects on how we should pray.

1) Content of our prayer- Lets watch the content of our prayer.

2) Our persistence- How often do we pray? Persistence in prayer helps us recognize God's work.

3) God's faithfulness- Always remember that we have a God who is faithful in every way.

Always remember that forgiveness is the cornerstone of our relationship to God, and how God deal with our prayer.

How will God deal with you and your prayer if He treats you as you treat others?